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Exercise Techniques for Fitness Professionals



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The FEA Certified Fitness Practitioner (Personal Trainer) course, also known as CFP, is not just a regular personal trainer certification program. It is a job-based training and certification program designed to produce highly employable and certified fitness professionals of international standards. This course aims to provide a comprehensive curriculum that balances academic focus with vocational learning. The foundation stage of the course focuses on exercise technique for fitness professionals.

Course Objectives

The main objective of the foundation stage of the course is to build a solid understanding of exercise techniques. The course aims to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to not only perform exercises correctly but also describe the proper setup position for each major exercise, understand joint stability and motion, and articulate necessary movements during exercise execution. Participants will also be trained to assess whether exercises are being performed correctly.

Participant Liability Waiver for Physical Activity Workshop/Course

Upon registering on our website for the chosen fitness certification courses and continuing education courses for fitness professionals, you declare that you have received clearance from your physician to be physically active and that you possess a reasonable level of physical ability and fitness to perform the drills and exercises introduced in the workshop/course. You will use your own discretion to determine if you are physically fit and healthy enough to participate in the workshop/course. The course provider will exercise all safety and precautionary measures to the best of their ability. However, under no circumstances shall the course provider be liable for any injury or death resulting from your involvement in the workshop/course. By registering, you agree not to seek a refund or any form of damages from the course provider under any circumstances.


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